
Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 1

Thursday morning I was awakened by Ward with a sweet kiss and a "is the coffee made honey?" Hm? What? Coffee? Oh crap! I forgot to fix the coffee before bed last night!  I fall out of bed and half hop into my fleece pajama pants as I stumble out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen to fix the coffee. I think to myself, "Man this kitchen is a wreck- I should clean today"  I pick up a glass and then set it back down. Nope. Too tired. I need more sleep. My body is screaming for me to get back to bed.  So I stumble back upstairs trying to rub the sleep from my eyes. Back in the bedroom Ward is getting dressed and says "I'm out of deodorant! Here's too hoping I make it through the day today.  And do you know if I have anymore black socks?"  "Crap!" I think to myself, I forgot to pick some up earlier this week when he mentioned it before. "Black socks? Have you checked the hamper of clean laundry?" I walk over to his side of the room. "OH MY Goodness! Well of course you have no black socks! There is a MOUNTAIN of laundry over here!" 

So that was my morning wake up call on Day 1.  In the subsequent guilt induced cleaning frenzy that occurred in the hours following that wake up call the June Cleaver Project was born.  Inspired by my new project I decided to shower and dress and run to the CVS to pick up some deodorant for Ward before he came home for lunch at 11.  So off I went, getting ready in a frenzy, getting the babies up and fed and dressed so that we could run our quick errand.  By the time Ward came home for lunch, I had lunch ready and waiting for him and the babies were ready to go down for their midday naps.  We had a wonderful lunch and he seemed to be in a really good mood. When he sat down to the table he said "you've been busy! The house looks great! I love the vacuum lines on the carpet. Vacuum lines make me happy." haha.  Wow.. Really? It was that easy? hm.. interesting.  He complimented me on how nice I looked and then we had some nice quiet one on one time.  He didn't even rush back to work after he ate like he usually does.  So that was a nice motivator.  The rest of the day I spent folding and putting away laundry, picking up around the house and dealing with the kiddos.  Around 4:00 I got a text message from him asking if I would like to spread out a blanket and eat dinner in front of the tv while we watch a good movie.  This is my second wow moment. A date night activity on a Thursday? Why did I not do this before!?  I was off the hook for cooking dinner (we picked up some Mickey D's) AND a fun date night in!  The rest of the night was pretty much routine, he helped me bathe the babies and we put them to bed. Then we watched another movie on the floor together WITH popcorn. Not a bad reward for some cleaning and dressing up!


  1. wow! i didnt know about the date night! so cute! go annie go!

  2. I didn't know about that, either! Awww vacuum lines make all the difference ha ha : D
